
BDaB Plays: Tales From the Loop, Part 2 – “Something Strange Going On Tonight”

Hello and well met, neighbor! The BDaB crew returns with the second episode of the new and ongoing Tales from the Loop RPG actual play campaign. In this story, a group of best friends middle schoolers investigate some oddities in their home town of Klamath Falls, OR, in a techno-nostalgic 1986 that never was. We’re using the adventures from the new Out of Time adventure sourcebook, and we welcome listeners to follow along with us while we play. And if you’re feeling really adventurous, go out and get a bottle of our drink of the evening, and sip along in spirit!

Our whole crew was laid out cold for a couple of weeks with back to back colds and flus, so this one has taken a lot longer to record and release than we had initially planned. Thanks for sticking with us, and we hope you are having as much fun listening as we’ve been having recording this!

Drop us a line! You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram as “Breakfastpuppy” or email us as either NPC, Justjacob, or DrXanderGerrymander at Breakfastpuppies dot com. We have a Discord Channel and a Facebook Page, too! And let us know your thoughts by leaving a review on iTunes! For even more info and options, check out our main website or our new low-bandwidth alternative feed site.

As always: Rubber Side Down, May your Dice ever roll Crits, Always Drink Responsibly, and Remember to Tip your Bartender (and your dancers and performers)!

Player List:

  • Just Jacob as Ryan, the Jock
  • Nievita as Zipp, the Rocker
  • Dr. Xander Gerrymander as Seth, the Weird Kid
  • Poppy Beaujolais as Winifred, the Computer Geek
  • Scott Hazle as Rasmus, the Troublemaker



Want to throw us some booze money for future reviews? Check us out on Patreon, or instead just follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar!

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