
BDaB Character Jam 08: The Nightmares Underneath

We’re back with another Character Jam episode! In each of these episodes, we record ourselves drunkenly attempting to make characters for a new role-playing game. This time we’re tackling one of my all-time favorite games, “The Nightmares Underneath” by Johnstone Metzger. It’s yet another “retro” style of game – we apparently do a lot of these because they’re pretty simple to go through as a bunch of drunks. Enjoy!

Drop us a line! You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram as “Breakfastpuppy” or email us as either NPC, Justjacob, or DrXanderGerrymander at Breakfastpuppies dot com! We have a Discord Channel, Facebook Page, and Google Plus Community, too! And let us know your thoughts by leaving a review on iTunes!

As always: Rubber Side Down, May your Dice ever roll Crits, Always Drink Responsibly, and Remember to Tip your Bartender!

Links of Note:


  • Hosts: NPC, Just Jacob, Linsel Greene, Poppy Beaujolais
  • Theme Song: “Bikers, Dice, and Bars” by Skip VonKuske
  • Drink of the Evening: So Much Beer
  • Running Time: 01:02:05 (We support chapters!)
  • Final Thoughts: Evil has the best drugs and the best women.

Want to throw us some booze money for future reviews? Follow this link to our Pinecast Tip Jar!

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