The Glitterbois

The Glitterbois are two blokes (and then some) with an intense and long-lived love for the rich role-playing game worlds created by Palladium Books. Join us as we talk about the vast imaginative possibilities of the Palladium Books RPG “Megaverse” in a quest to spread appreciation for their games, meet established wanderers of their worlds, and hopefully bring new players into the fold. We’ll look into the workings and histories of all of their games, including Rifts, Palladium Fantasy, Nightbane, Dead Reign, Macross, Ninja Turtles, and more! Step through the rift and Unleash Your Imagination along with us!

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Glitter Boys, Rifts, the Megaverse, and all other such topics are the property of Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books. Please buy all their stuff and help keep them in print and making more games! You can order directly at, and their entire catalog is available digitally at Drive-Thru RPG as well.