Bikers Dice and Bars

BDaB #030: The Black Dahlia, Toys for Tots, Eulogy for Bottles

Welcome back for episode 30 of Bikers, Dice, and Bars! This time we brought on our good friend Larry Reading, former proprietor of our favorite now-departed neighborhood local. In our Bike Talk, Xander updates us on his progress beautifying his brand new scooter, which he has christened “the Black Dahlia.” In our nerd talk, Larry teaches us about the history of the charitable Toys for Tots organization, and how to get involved. In our Bar talk, Larry joins us to give a proper eulogy to the recently-departed local, Bottles on Fremont (RIP, Bottles). All the while, we drink delicious and cooling Gin and Tonics, perfect for the current wave of hot summer weather.

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BDaB #029: Getting into Bikes, Getting into Character, Finding a New Local

For this session we welcome Zach Barcus from Slap Dash Studios as our guest. Zach joins us to drink a decent sub-$20 bourbon and follow it with a round of “cheap beer taste-off” contest. In our Bike Talk segment, Just Jacob educates us on the basics of getting into cycling and motorbiking as a total noob to the hobby. In our Game Talk segment, Zach details his personal methods for getting into character for a role-playing session. And in our Bar Talk segment, Dr. Gerrymander leads a conversation on the various pitfalls of finding a new Local bar after a big move.

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BDaB #028: Summer Camp Special

Hop in the saddle and ride on down to Camp BDaB, and join us for our Summer Camp special! No, we’re not actually at a summer camp, but instead we’re here to talk about all things Camp-related. Our good friend Alex sits with us this evening, helping us down a mix of white russians and black russians, poured by Just Jacob. In our Bike Talk segment, we discuss tips and methods for safe and effective bike-camping, both motorized and non. In our Game Talk segment, we talk about various camp-frieneldy games, both those to play while out in the woods as well as those more appropriate for sitting ’round the fire. In our Bar Talk segment, we discuss the portable bar, and what drinks make for the most effective (and traditional) camp beverages. And stick around for some bonus goodies after the credits!

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BDaB Character Jam 12: HAMMERCRAWL!

It’s time for another Character Jam, woooo! In preparation for a new batch of upcoming recordings for our sister podcast, this time we’re going through the newly-completed HAMMERCRAWL! RPG character creation system. This one’s an entirely home-brewed game system, cobbled together from what were once just house rules merging a dozen other old school gaming systems. Our HAMMERCRAWL! games have consistently been the most awesome tabletop experiences for us, and this session is no exception. And check out the links further below in the notes for our other show, as well as the free online rules for HAMMERCRAWL!

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BDaB #027: D-Day Anniversary, Bikes in Warfare, WWII Gaming, Drinks of WWII

We recorded this special WWII-themed episode on the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, aka Operation Overlord. In the spirit of that anniversary, we decided to focus our episode’s topics around themes relating to WWII. In our Bike Talk segment, DXG and JJ take a stab at educating us on some of the historical highlights of the usage of bicycles and motorbikes in warfare. In our Game Talk segment, we discuss some WWII-related gaming options, and talk about plans for an awesome potential new house campaign. Finally, in our Bar Talk segment, we review the drinks of the evening, and tell stories of learning our favorite WWII-era beverages.

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BDaB Character Jam 11: Beyond the Wall

For this special new Character Jam, the BDaB crew tackles another of NPC’s favorite games, Beyond the Wall (and other adventures). This is a classic-inspired “retroclone” style adventure game, rooted in small-village tales such as Lloyd Alexander’s great Chronicles of Prydain. We have a blast making characters for this one, but beware! Many puns await within! Listen at your own peril!

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BDaB Bonus: Gamestorm 2019 Booth Interviews

We’ve got another special bonus episode of Bikers Dice and Bars in the feed! JJ and NPC hit up the recent Gamestorm convention here in Portland, OR, and managed to grab some great interviews with a few of the passers-by, including the director of the convention itself. Tune in for some great gaming stories, and a taste of both the Gamestorm and the upcoming Wagoncon events. And don’t forget to catch us at Wagoncon next week, either!

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