breakfast puppies

HAMMERCRAWL! The Wolves of Zaramund! Part 1: Vampire Dingus Leavings

Welcome to a brand new randomly-generated comedic gaming adventure! This episode kicks off a new series of session recordings with an all-new adventuring party comprised of some of my favorite local gamers. Calling themselves the Wolves of Zaramund, this all-women group (at least initially) joins the HAMMERCRAWL! annals with their very special and very awesome take on a classic tale of spurned-love revenge – albeit set in a Vampire Dungeon in 1997! This initial batch of four episodes was recorded in a single session, and broken down for ease of listening. We have more episodes with the Wolves to follow, as well!

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BDaB #014: Don’t Be “That Guy” (Labor Day 2018)

This episode is all about “That Guy” we all know and hate (and have likely been at one point ourselves), and how not to be That Guy. Be it riding like an asshole, being a crappy sport at the gaming table, or failing to compose yourself properly at a bar, we talk about many of the variants of That Guy in our mutual hobbies, and how to step back from the precipice when you find yourself about to become him.

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BDaB Character Jam 07: Pugmire

We’re once again joined by both Linsel and Poppy, this time to take a delightful romp through the character creation process of a charming new RPG called Pugmire. We drink a continuing variety of dog-themed beers and such, as we make a new pack of Good Dogs to go adventuring in this adorable anthropomorphic role-playing game. This is our longest episode yet, I do believe, but we had so much fun from beginning to end that it was difficult to cut anything at all!

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BDaB #013: Dogs!

We’re back from a schedule break with a new episode, and this time we’re talking about nothing but Dogs! Returning guest Linsel Greene is back with us again, and we expect to see more of him in the coming weeks, too! This time around, we also have an EXTRA special guest: Oliver Cromwell the Welsh Corgi, once voted best bar dog in Portland! In our Bike Talk, we discuss cycling and motorbiking (and others) with your favorite canine companions. In our Game Talk, we talk about video and tabletop games which let you play as dogs, or use them as integral parts of the experience. And in our Bar Talk, we talk about taking your doggy to your favorite bars. All the while we drink exclusively dog-themed beers from Lucky Lab and Hair of the Dog, both brewed right here in Portland, OR.

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BDaB #012: Bike Music, Retro Gaming, The Sandy Hut

Welcome back fellow geeky road ramblers! This time around we are joined by Skip vonKuske, creator of many wonderful tunes and projects – one of which is our own theme song. In our first segment, we talk about our favorite bike-themed songs over the years, and also briefly catch up with Xander on his daily grueling bicycle commute. After that we reminisce about our experiences growing up with gaming consoles that are today considered of the “retro” variety. In our final segment we talk lovingly about one of Portland’s most well-known still-running dive bars, the Sandy Hut.

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HAMMERCRAWL! Episode 2: The WAGONCRAWL! (Part Two)

This episode is the second of three dungeon parties from an absolutely amazing live-audience session at the recent Wagoncon 2018 event in The Dalles, OR. In this session a brand new party of adventurers rise up from the audience and try their hands (and dice) at surviving a randomly-created dungeon. Will these newcomers meet a better fate than their forebears in episode 1? Listen and find out!

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BDaB #011: Summer Riding, NINJA TURTLES, Eulogy for the Boiler Room

Hello again, fellow biker nerds! We’re releasing a few days late this time around, thanks to a half-dozen-plus conflicts of scheduling and other life events. This episode was recorded right after the 4th of July celebrations here in the Pacific Northwest USA, and we had a _vast_ quantity of leftover booze on-hand. With Xander being unexpectedly absent due to a new job, we managed to get our good friend Basem from the hilarious Turtle Power Pod to join us in his place, along with our favorite Wannabe Wine Snob, Poppy Beaujolais. Due to the last-minute change-up, this episode is a bit more “off-script” than usual – although we never have a script in the first place so that’s not really anything new!

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