Welcome back, Adventurers! What you’re about to listen to is a 100% randomly generated-on-the-fly comedic role-playing session, actual play featuring actual convention attendees who signed up for the event on the spot. The game mechanics are a system of my own design, initially derived from the simplicity of the ol’ Rules Cyclopedia and modified heavily to allow fast pick-up-and-play from both veteran and newbie gamers alike. It’s very much a classic meat grinder experience, and quite intentionally ridiculous.
This episode is the third and final of three dungeon parties from an absolutely amazing live-audience session at the recent Wagoncon 2018 event in The Dalles, OR. Once more, a new party of unseasoned adventurers test their wits and luck against the horrors of THE WAGONCRAWL. Listen to see how far they make it!
Drop us a line! You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram as “Breakfastpuppy” or email NPC directly as NPC at Breakfastpuppies dot com. We have a Discord Channel, Facebook Page, and Google Plus Community, too! And let us know your thoughts by leaving a review on iTunes!
- Players: Zack Walton as “Shahasala the Sane-ish,” Brandon Pence as “Skippy von McHaggis,” Alex Leach as “Professor Pixie,” James Bond as “Bob the Magic Man,” Dusty Eppers as “Olgar Hammerface”
- Group Name: The Swords of Uchan
- Dungeon: The Temple of Terrible Annihilation
- Theme Song: “Chain Lightning” by Gygax
- Additional Music by: Erang
- Game Rules: Available for free on Github!
- Daily Wisdom: When all else fails you, throw a severed wizard foot at the ooze to get past it.
Timestamps of Note (we support Chapters!):
- 00:00 Theme Song
- 00:51 Intro
- 01:50 Welcome!
- 02:17 Party Introductions
- 05:16 They have rope!
- 06:15 Everybody Loves John
- 07:59 Enter the Temple
- 15:32 Why not pole vault?
- 20:38 Welcome Dusty!
- 32:05 Attack the Darkness
- 50:16 Outro
- 51:45 Lesson of the Day
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