
BDaB Plays: Mothership, Part 1 – Nightmare Eulogy

Welcome back, dear listeners! This episode kicks off a new series of actual play featuring the excellent indie sci-fi horror RPG, Mothership. These sessions were initially recorded at the very beginning of 2020, but due to the chaos from the onset of the COVID-19 quarantine in the US, NPC was unable to get around to editing them until the end of the year. I don’t want to spoil the surprises of the session, so go on and give it a listen!

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The Glitterbois #0006: Character Spotlight: Martin Goodish (Rifts)

Brandon joins us again! This time we kick off another hopefully-recurring segment called “Character Spotlight,” wherein we pick a character and discuss them at length. It may be a character from the books, a character we’ve played in our own games, or even a character from popular media that we want to stat up in Palladium rules. This time, we’re talking about Martin Goodish, Brandon’s character in our ongoing Rifts campaign.

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