Role-Playing Game

The Glitterbois #0034: Intro to Nightbane

Hey, we’re back with another “Intro to” episode! This time around we’re getting into one of Palladium’s most unique games, the modern body horror RPG known as Nightbane (or if you’re a hipster like NPC, it’s Nightspawn). If you have ever wanted to get a taste of what this fantastically monstrous game is all about, give us a listen. Then give it a play, and write us to share your own Nightbane stories!

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The Glitterbois #0025: Intro to Savage Rifts

Welp, it is finally here: our much-requested look into Savage Rifts. It’s a topic that we will probably return to multiple times over the course of this podcast, as there is a lot to talk about here. This episode is our longest yet, our apologies if it goes over your lunch break. But we have a lot to say, and hope you’ll stick around – and then talk to us after with your own thoughts!

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