
The Glitterbois #0091: Book Club for 2022 Q1 – Robotech Genesis by Jack McKinney

What began as our “February Book Club” is now wrapped up in this episode (totally released on time thanks to the magical science of imaginative revisionist history!). If you haven’t read this book yet, but you plan to, don’t listen to this episode yet! If you have, or you are not planning to, give us a listen and then post your own comments in our Discord. And thanks for joining the fun!

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The Glitterbois #0085: A Look at the Systems Failure RPG

Join us for a look into the innards of Palladium’s oft-forgotten Y2K-themed apocalypse game, Systems Failure. I can’t help but assume that if you are a Palladium fan, then you probably know of and even remember Y2K, but for those new to the concept, just know that the tech world collectively lost its shit in the late 1990s thanks to some short-sighted date formatting in the computers of Early Man. This game takes that to the next level!

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The Glitterbois #0084: Spotlight on Captain Gloval, and a New Book Club

In our newest Character Spotlight, we’re turning the shine to Captain Henry J. Gloval, commander of the great SDF-1 from the epic animated series Robotech. We also talk about starting our brand new (monthly?) book club! We’re kicking things off with Robotech: Genesis by Jack McKinney, which we’ve mentioned many times before on this podcast. Link is in the notes, so grab a copy and read along with us if you want to join in!

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The Glitterbois #0083: Real Life and Gaming

After a comedy of errors involving terrible internet service providers, we have finally found opportunities to record again in the new year. So welcome back to the Glitterbois! And thanks for a fantastic and loving first year of our show. It’s time to continue with one that has been on our thought board for a while now, and given recent times it’s even more relevant than ever. That would be: Real Life (and more importantly old age) and how it interferes with our gaming hobby. Give us a listen, then join us on Discord to share your own tales and tips on the matter.

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