The Glitterbois #0170: Magic Systems in RPGs
We’re taking a break from the interview series for another free form discussion episode. Today’s topic is Magic, and its implementations across the RPG hobby. We start with the great progenitor that is Jack Vance, and follow the threads from there. Give us a listen, then stop by our Discord to share your thoughts in the episode thread!

The Glitterbois #0163: Psionics Across the Megaverse
Inspired by the great discussions that followed our Mind Melter episode, we’re back on the subject of Psionics in Palladium, with a deep dive into their implementations across the entire catalog of games. We look at how different games do them, and what makes them awesome in that uniquely Palladium way.

The Glitterbois #0152: Alignments (Revisited) (Again)
Hey lookit that, we’re talking about RPG alignments. Again. Blame NPC for this one, but really it’s a fun chat with further discussion on interpreting alignments in your Palladium campaigns. We’d love to hear your own stories, so drop by our Discord and share your thoughts on the topic!

The Glitterbois #0146: How to Level Up in Palladium Games
We’re back from the holiday break to bring you an answer to yet another user-request: How do you level up your character in Palladium games? Join us for a bit of a free-form wandering through the things you need to note, and a few tips we have on keeping track of it all. Then stop on by our Discord and ask us any other questions you might have!

The Glitterbois #0142: Integrating Ninjas & Super Spies into the Megaverse
It’s been a spell since we’ve ventured beyond the Rifts/Fantasy games, so it’s high time we got back to talking more about Ninjas & Superspies! Today we’re discussing ways to integrate the N&SS mechanics (namely its variety of martial arts styles) into the greater Megaverse, with a main focus on Rifts and other MDC settings. Give us a listen, then join our awesome Discord server and tell us about your favorite cross-Megaversal martial arts monstrosity!

The Glitterbois #0141: Magic and Psionics Attacks Per Melee
This one is a listener-requested topic: how exactly do magic and psionics mix into combat rounds in Palladium’s RPGs? Listen in for a walk back through the history of its mechanics, and a comparison of the old ways vs the current ways. It’s a complicated topic, and we have a lot to review!

The Glitterbois #0133: Shields in Palladium’s RPGs
Today’s Rules Talk is all about using shields in the Palladium RPG rules system. We unsurprisingly have a lot to say on the matter, so strap on your buckler and give us a listen. Afterward, drop by Discord and share your own takes on the rules!

The Glitterbois #0130: Paired Weapons and Simultaneous Attacks
Effing paired weapons, how do they work? And I don’t wanna talk to a scientist. Instead, just give us a listen as we lay out the basics of the skill, and most importantly how it ties seamlessly into the oft-forgotten “simultaneous attack” defense option in Palladium combat. Did we miss something, or get it wrong? Drop by our Discord and share your thoughts!

The Glitterbois #0129: Calculating Combat Rolls in Palladium
Ever want to know what modifiers apply to your Strike, Parry, and Dodge rolls in Palladium’s combat system? In this episode we lay it all out for you. Give us a listen, then drop by our Discord server to tell us what we missed!