
The Glitterbois #0014: The Enchanted F’ing Cauldron

Gather ’round, young’uns, and listen to an old-timer proclaim his deep and undying love for one of the most “metal” forms of magical power that Palladium Fantasy has to offer: the Enchanted F’ing Cauldron. NPC educates Matthew on the way we wizards had to get new spells back in the day, and how knowledge of that method changes one’s perception of the fundamentals of magic in Palladium’s various RPGs.

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The Glitterbois #0013: OCC Spotlight on the Vagabond

We continue our new OCC Spotlight series by dropping to the opposite extreme of the power spectrum, taking a look at one of NPC’s favorite classes, the Vagabond. We discuss how “less can be a whole lot more” when Role-Playing is the name of the game, and dive into our thoughts on the subject of many a great nerd-fight: class balance in Palladium games.

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The Glitterbois #0006: Character Spotlight: Martin Goodish (Rifts)

Brandon joins us again! This time we kick off another hopefully-recurring segment called “Character Spotlight,” wherein we pick a character and discuss them at length. It may be a character from the books, a character we’ve played in our own games, or even a character from popular media that we want to stat up in Palladium rules. This time, we’re talking about Martin Goodish, Brandon’s character in our ongoing Rifts campaign.

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