
Bikers Dice and Bars #081: Coffee Cocktails with Dave Robison

In this free form chat, we welcome as a guest Dave Robison, the Buttery Man Voice. Dave is a fascinating human with a vast array of activities attributed to him, including: Corpse Coffee (and associated webcomic), Archivos Story Organizer, various podcasts, and more. We talk about: Coffee cocktails, starting your own coffee company, the early days of podcasting, storytelling, audio fiction, and how to get involved with freelance voice acting. Thanks for joining us, Dave!

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The Glitterbois #0120: Rifts Manhunter

We’re back from a life break to release more fun discussion on Palladium’s gmaes, yay! This time we’re looking at the first and only (for a long time) third-party licensed Rifts book, the Manhunter RPG, from Myrmidon Press. This sleeper and oft-forgotten title from the early 90s somehow managed to completely blow our minds. Give this a listen and then stop by our Discord to share your thoughts on it!

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The Glitterbois #0116: Rifter #9 Review

Our march through the Rifter series takes us to Rifter #9, which brings about the end of the TMNT license for Palladium Books. It was a sad event for the fans, and the article on that topic is worth reading. Join us for a look at this issue, and then head over to Discord to share your feelings on the game with us!

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The Glitterbois #0115: 2023 New Year Review Roundup

A very happy new year to everyone! We wanted to kick this year off with a hefty dose of positivity. To accomplish this, we wanted to finally spend an episode acknowledging the awesome podcast reviews that we have received so far, and thank everyone for leaving such kind words about us. We are also finally ready to launch and announce a brand new Ko-Fi page, to hopefully help us pay some of the production costs. Thanks for all your kindness and support, folks!

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The Glitterbois #0114: Homogenization of the FLGS

In today’s discussion episode, we gnash our teeth over the growing trend of “homogenization” of once-great “Friendly Local Game Shops” (FLGS). By this we mean the trend of on-shelf RPG selections dwindling to scant pale shadows of their former glory, simultaneous with their previous varieties trimmed down to just 5E, Pathfinder, maybe Warhammer (if we’re lucky), and 50 variants of Kids on Bikes. In this era were Magic and 5E are the law of the land, we old-timers must find our glimmers of gaming goodness on the dark corners of the internet, such as this one.

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