Matthew Gray

The Glitterbois #0153: A Palladium Retrospective Part 1: The Early Years (with Kevin Siembieda)

We’re ridiculously, explosively excited to get Kevin Siembieda back on our show, for the first of what we’re planning to be a rather lengthy series of discussions of the days of Palladium Books. We kick this series off with Kevin’s stories of all the things happening behind the scenes with Palladium in the years leading up to the release of his flagship game, the Palladium Fantasy RPG. This one’s a long ride, but we promise it’s full of awesome!

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The Glitterbois #0151: Transdimensional TMNT

Our journey through the original TMNT & Other Strangeness RPG books continues with arguably the most awesome Palladium RPG product ever written: Transdimensional TMNT! This one’s been out of print for a good while now, but fortunately it’s coming back soon in a renewed combined edition thanks to the recent highly successful TMNT Redux Kickstarter. After listening, please drop by our Discord server to chat about your favorite time-and-dimension-hopping memories with the TMNT RPG!

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The Glitterbois #0145: Rifts World Book 8: Japan

After a bit of a break to bask in the glow of the awesomeness that is the return of Palladium’s TMNT license, we’re back to look at the next book in the Rifts World Books series: Japan! Oh man we have a lot to say on this one, so grab a snack and listen along. Then afterward, drop by our Discord server to chat about your favorite parts of this book!

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The Glitterbois #0144: TMNT Kickstarter: A Chat with Kevin and Sean

Hello friends! We finally got (most of) our schedules aligned to be able to get Kevin Siembieda and Sean Owen Roberson – aka Palladium Books – on the show! They’re here to tell us (and you) all about their awesome new upcoming Kickstarter project for the TMNT RPG redux / special editions. Such excite! There’s some good info here, so give us a listen and then join our Discord server to discuss your thoughts on the project.

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