Matt Buckley

The Glitterbois #0178: Buckley’s Welcome

Today we give our new recurring host Buckley an official welcome and introduction episode. Buckley’s been a friend of the Puppies for years, and happens to be a long time Palladium fan as well. We’re heartbroken for Matthew to have to step down, but we’re all increasingly familiar with how Life can be a hurdle to itself sometimes. Welcome Buckley, and good luck Matthew!

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The Glitterbois #0177: Chat with CJ Carella

We’re excited to be joined by prolific RPG designer and fiction author CJ Carella! In this episode, we talk Nightbane, Rifts, GURPS, fiction, world-building, and many other wonderful things. Listen along with us and then swing over to CJ’s pages and check out his fantastic collection of works. Then stop by our Discord and share your love with the rest of us there!

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BDaB Bonus: Irish Whiskey Special (w/ Matt Buckley)

It’s the long awaited “Whiskey with Matt Buckley” bonus episode! Back in September, NPC, Poppy, Dr. Gerrymander, and Just Jacob sat down at 4K Ranch for a special curated tour of Matt’s stunning Irish Whiskey collection (after a fun day of eating, exploring, and shooting). Matt is one of the co-founders of the amazing Wagoncon gaming convention here in the Columbia Gorge, and as part of this episode we dig a bit deeper into the roots of the con, and what lies in its future. Matt then educates the crew about the wonders and history of The Water of Life, all the while plying them with a series of incredible distilled spirits. We hear how someone with a severe allergy to alcohol ends up having a collection of the finest product of Ireland.

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