Tears of Vulcan

BDaB Character Jam 12: HAMMERCRAWL!

It’s time for another Character Jam, woooo! In preparation for a new batch of upcoming recordings for our sister podcast, this time we’re going through the newly-completed HAMMERCRAWL! RPG character creation system. This one’s an entirely home-brewed game system, cobbled together from what were once just house rules merging a dozen other old school gaming systems. Our HAMMERCRAWL! games have consistently been the most awesome tabletop experiences for us, and this session is no exception. And check out the links further below in the notes for our other show, as well as the free online rules for HAMMERCRAWL!

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BDaB #004: Helmets, Gamer Noobs, and the Wannabe Wine Snob (w/ Poppy Beaujolais)

Today we are again joined by Poppy as we talk about some rather passionate subjects! We open by uncorking a fine bottle of Tears of Vulcan wine, and discussing our experiences with wine in general. For our Talk of the Road, we get pretty heavy on the subject of Helmet laws and responsibilities, before diving into the experiences of being a Total Noob at the role-playing game table. the final portion of the show is devoted to our thoughts on the Tears of Vulcan after an evening of drinking it, and even more discussion on our various loves (or distastes) of wine of all price ranges.

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