
The Glitterbois #0123: Palladium Fantasy 4-5 Northern Wilderness Adventures

In recognition of this year being the 40th anniversary of the Palladium Fantasy RPG, we’re dedicating our next few episodes to taking a look at the rest of the original line-up of first edition fantasy world books. In this one we cover two of them at once, as books 4 and 5 were both slim enough and covered related content. Join us as we chat excitedly over how awesome the Northern Wilderness is, and then join us on Discord to share your own favorite gaming memories in this realm!

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The Glitterbois #0097: Why 1st Edition Fantasy is So Awesome

Welcome back friends! Today NPC is joined by retuirning guest host Just Jacob to talk more about Palladium’s metal-as-heck Fantasy RPG, focusing solely on what made the first edition rulebook so dang great. Matthew will be sitting things out for a while after a bad car accident. Jacob has agreed to join as interim host while Matthew recovers, and if you want to donate to Matthew’s recovery fund, please do so via the tip jar link further below.

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