October 2020

BDaB #048: Getting the Band Back Together / Xander for Mayor!

We’re getting the Band back together! And by that I mean that the Bikers Dice and Bars crew is finally starting the long-needed process of reassembling our podcast crew to record in-person again. After months of remote recording woes, we now have added safety measures to our studio to enable us to once again meet face to face, and joyfully record like we used to in The Before Times. Hooray!

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BDaB #047: Summer 2020 Retrospective

In this episode we return to our “classic” three-part format, taking a look back at the better times of this otherwise awful Summer in the otherwise terrible year that has been 2020. In our first segment we talk about our favorite rides (or lack thereof) taken during this past Summer. In our second segment, we discuss the gaming and general nerdery we’ve accomplished while on COVID lockdown the past few months. And in our third segment, we look at how our drinking has changed, and the ways we have adapted to keep ourselves sane. Sanity is apparently a running theme these days, so y’all be sure to do your best to hold on as best you can!

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