March 2020

BDaB #039: Bartending 101

Have you ever wanted to know what it takes to get into a new career as a bartender? Just Jacob and Dr. Xander lead us on an informative look into the basics of what it takes to learn the business, including their own behind-the-bar origin stories. All the while, we drink a variety of Irish Whiskeys that we’ve not had on the show before, starting with the “worst” of the bunch and working our way deeper into the delicious vaults of aged quality.

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BDaB Bonus: COVID-19 Special Discussion

We’re bringing you a special bonus message from the Breakfast Puppies crew: Stay the Fuck Home! This mini-episode details how the four of us are dealing with the current COVID-19 aka Coronavirus outbreak and subsequent quarantine. If you’re looking for tips on how to stay sane, listen along. And if you are losing your shit, please join us online, reach out to us however you can. We’re here for you.

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